WelCom December 2023
After a four-year break, the archdiocesan induction programme for incoming clergy from overseas, called ‘Landing the Waka’, recommenced in October.
Five newly arrived priests, Frs Akuila Taliauli, Raja Kommareddy and Uili Uvea (svds), Ravi Kumar Voliganti and Nicholas Phone Myint mf, joined Church Mission staff and Vicar General Mons Gerard Burns, for a three-day retreat at the Magnificat Centre in Cross Creek, South Wairarapa.
The priests spoke about their homes and experiences and what they bring to their new postings to the archdiocese. The number of languages spoken by the preists was impressive with at least two in the groups speaking more than six languages.
Experiences of the ongoing civil war in Myanmar and mass burials in Argentina during the Covid-19 pandemic were just two examples of the varied ministry experience the men bring with them to parishes here in Aotearoa New Zealand.
They said they are delighted to be here and look forward to getting to know their new communities.
The group will continue to meet monthly throughout 2024 to share pastoral experiences, learn more about the New Zealand context and to prepare for parish pastoral ministry.