WelCom December 2024/January 2025
Exhibition at the New Zealand Portrait Gallery Te Pūkenga Whakaata June to September 2025
The Gallery is on a nationwide callout for portraits of students painted by the renowned artist Sr Lawrence (Julia B) Lynch (1896–1975) for inclusion in this upcoming exhibition.
Jaenine Parkinson, Director of the New Zealand Portrait Gallery, in Wellington, says ‘portraits of her students will play a crucial role in bringing to life an exhibition that honours Julia Lynch’s legacy and her remarkable impact on both portraiture and education.’
Curator Penelope Jackson explains. ‘This exhibition will not only showcase Julia Lynch’s remarkable artistic achievements but also provide a profound reflection on her significant contributions as a mentor, educator and woman of faith. The display will be enriched by public programmes designed to delve into and celebrate Lynch’s lasting impact on the art world. We invite you to participate in this nationwide celebration of Julia Lynch’s legacy. By sharing your portrait stories, you will help us pay tribute to a true icon of New Zealand’s art history.’
For more information, and to submit your portrait for selection, upload a photograph and complete the form online at: nzportraitgallery.org.nz/exhibitions/2024/julia-lynch
Sources: NZ Portrait Gallery and Nga Whaea Atawhai o Aotearoa Sisters of Mercy New Zealand