WelCom May 2024
Merle Hiscock rndm
In January this year RNDM sisters enjoyed three noteworthy celebrations in Hawke’s Bay: Sr Carmel Cassin, her 70th jubilee and her 90th birthday; and Sr Mary Rose Holderness, her 60th jubilee.
Both Sisters were born in Hawke’s Bay, attended Sacred Heart College (SHC), Napier, entered the Novitate of Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions in Christchurch and, once again, are living in The Bay.
Carmel was professed in 1954 and Mary Rose in 1964, on the Feast of the Epiphany.
Carmel, for almost 30 years, taught in various primary schools and at SHC in Napier. In addition, she was entrusted with hostel and provincial bursar responsibilities. Carmel was a dedicated teacher, much loved and respected by her students.
In 1935 she was called to minister in hospitality at our Generalate in Rome. This was followed by seven years working at Kramer Home for people with disabilities in Canada, ministering cheerfully, generously and with loving compassion among the residents.
On returning home to Napier in 2003, Carmel ministered in pastoral outreach, community service and as archivist at Sacred Heart College.
Carmel is now resident at Willowbank Care Home. So, it was there that family and Sisters gathered to honour with great joy, Carmel’s 70 years as a much-loved RNDM. Then two weeks later, gathered again to celebrate her 90th birthday.
Mary Rose was teacher and principal for 23 years at Sacred Heart Colleges in Christchurch, Lower Hutt and Napier and Province Leader for six years. In 1998 she was missioned to France as Co-ordinator of RNDM Mission Solidarity. This was followed by seven years as General Secretary, then back to France and involved in translation work.
Considering her many years in education and leadership, both in New Zealand and overseas, there are numerous people she has richly influenced.
We give thanks for their lives, their 130 years in total of RNDM living and mission, and their daily ‘yes’ to God’s calling. We pray God’s loving and gracious blessings on them in the years ahead.