WelCom December 2024/January 2025
Emma Dodsworth
On 29 October 2024, the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit hosted a special Jubilarians Mass to recognise the long-standing service of several priests and deacons. Led by Bishop John Adams, the Mass celebrated the milestone ordinations of clergy members who have served across the Diocese of Palmerston North and beyond. Among those honoured were Bishop Owen Dolan (70 years), Fr Nicho Verkley ocso (50 years), and Fr Barry Scannell sm (30 years). Deacon Danny Karatea-Goddard (10 years) and Fr Percy Kimble sm (50 years) were also acknowledged, though they were unable to attend.
The event brought together a diverse gathering, including priests from the Archdiocese of Wellington and the Diocese of Christchurch, as well as parishioners from the Cathedral Parish and from other parts of the diocese.
In his homily, Bishop John reflected on the themes of dedication and unity in the priesthood, drawing from the day’s readings, Ephesians 5:21-33 and Luke 13:18-21. Citing St Paul’s message to the Ephesians, he highlighted the concept of the ‘mutual discipline of love’, as central to both marriage and priesthood.
Bishop John presented St Paul’s ‘holy triangle’ – the partnership of husband, wife, and Christ – as a model for priests, who in turn form a ‘holy triangle’ with Christ and the Church. This framework, he suggested, underscores the calling to a priesthood rooted in a shared devotion to God’s service and the community of believers.
Referencing Luke’s Gospel reading, where Jesus likens the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed growing into a large tree, Bishop John encouraged the jubilarians and their fellow clergy to remain steadfast in their faith, likening their roles to the mustard seed and a portion of yeast that, though small, bring growth and sustenance to the community.
Congratulations to this year’s Jubilarians, and thanks to all those from the diocese and beyond who came along to support them.