Indonesian end-of-year Mass

WelCom March 2019: Michael Danusantoso The Indonesian Catholic Community in Wellington (KKIW – Keluarga Katolik Indonesia di Wellington) celebrated their monthly Eucharistic Mass at St Joseph Church, Mt Victoria, Wellington, with…

WelCom March 2019:

Michael Danusantoso

‘Happy Birthday Fr Carl!’ Photo: Supplied

The Indonesian Catholic Community in Wellington (KKIW – Keluarga Katolik Indonesia di Wellington) celebrated their monthly Eucharistic Mass at St Joseph Church, Mt Victoria, Wellington, with Fr Carl Telford sm and Cardinal John Dew late last November. Also invited were the wider Indonesian Christian Communities from other denominations around Wellington, St John, Arise, IFGF GISI, Elim.

The Mass was followed by fellowship with traditional Indonesian food and concluded with a surprise birthday celebration for Fr Carl.

Please visit for more photos of this special event and further information about KKIW.