WelCom August 2021

Te Kupenga Catholic Theological College, hosted its first graduation ceremony on 11 June, at a special evening function at Sacred Heart Church and the Columba Centre in Ponsonby, Auckland.
Te Kupenga (TK) came about from the merger of Good Shepherd College and the Catholic Institute.
Of the 79 students – from every diocese in the country – who were graduating from Levels 5, 6 and 7 courses, 45 came to receive their awards in person and celebrate this milestone with families and friends. Their subject areas included Theology, Religious Education and Christian Leadership.
Special guests included Sir Br Patrick Lynch KNZM, QSO as guest speaker for the evening, representatives from TK’s programme partners – the Australian Catholic University and Sydney College of Divinity, as well as TK’s Chairman John Gallaher, CEO Dr Areti Metuamate, Dean Dr John Evangelista and staff.
Dr Metuamate said, ‘This is a night of celebration of the outstanding work of many of you graduates and the people who have supported you on the way – teachers, families, friends, supporters. Each of you has earned your qualification after many months or years of hard work. I believe the knowledge and skills you have gained will equip you to make a great contribution to your community and our Church. Congratulations on your new qualification and may it assist you to go out and continue to do good in the world.’
Sir Br Patrick Lynch congratulated the graduates. ‘Your vision and efforts in tertiary education are publicly recognised today by Te Kupenga, by our Church in Aotearoa and, of course, New Zealand society. All these entities are the richer for what you have now achieved. I am honoured to stand before you and to share some ideas, which I hope may be helpful in your lives as teachers or as individuals in other ministries.’
Sir Br Patrick’s theme was, ‘Making a difference for good in our world through faith and inspiration’. He spoke in depth about the importance of personal vision, intellect, hope, respect, inspiration, ministry service and leadership, as well as the need to build deep knowledge and sound Christian values to make a difference for good in the world, and encountering God.
Referencing scripture throughout his address Br Patrick closed with two quotes:
‘Those who are wise, will shine like stars for all eternity’, Book of Daniel 12:3.
‘Do not be afraid, I am with you, I have called you by name, you are mine’ Isaiah 43: 1-5.
‘You all are in noble professions and I wish you well,’ concluded Sir Br Patrick.