The provision of low-cost accommodation for the elderly has been a major task of the Vincentian Foundation, set up in 1976 to provide money in areas of needs in the New Zealand Catholic Church.
The foundation was established by the St Vincent de Paul Society to focus on such areas of need as housing. The foundation provides grants to groups who want to buy, build or modify rental accommodation for groups such as the elderly.
Currently more than 20 projects have been completed in the 30 years of its existence and the foundation has helped to fund the building of pensioner flats in Lower Hutt, Stokes Valley, Westport, Gore, Oamaru and Foxton.
It has provided financial help to Mercy Villas in Upper Hutt, Bishop Sneddon Retirement Village at Waikanae and the Bishop Sneddon Retirement Village in Auckland.
The foundation is now looking to contribute to new projects in Whanganui, Hamilton and Waikanae.
The provision of accommodation is just one of the areas on which the Foundation focuses; its constitution enables a wide range of works that help the elderly and it is looking to widen its focus to take in more areas of need. In this regard the foundation welcomes applications or ideas which may lead to projects it can finance.
Much of its funding comes from bequests although the foundation also receives donations from some benefactors.
Its trustees include Archbishop John Dew, the Catholic Women’s League, St Thomas More Society and the Hibernian Society. Cardinal Tom Williams is the patron.