Lead Stories
WelCom Office
WelCom December 2024/January 2025
The 2024 Advent Calendar and the December 2024/January 2025 edition of Welcom are available here.
Treaty Principles Bill ‘divisive’ – Church leaders
The Hīkoi mō Te Tiriti, a nationwide protest against the Treaty Principles Bill, culminated in Wellington on 19 November where more than 40,000 participants walked from Waitangi Park through the heart of the city to Parliament grounds.
As the leaders of the Hīkoi arrived at Parliament, the march stretched back through the CBD to Taranaki Street. It is thought to be New Zealand’s largest-ever protest.
A heartfelt Mass of commemoration: honouring Pahiatua’s Polish children and their families
The 80th anniversary celebration of the arrival of Pahiatua’s ‘Polish children’ in 1944, took place from 1 to 3 November 2024. Events were held in Pahiatua and Wellington including a deeply moving traditional Latin Mass at St Mary of the Angels Church to honour the enduring legacy of the Polish children and their families who were brought to New Zealand towards the end of World War II.
Julia Lynch: A Dedicated Life
Exhibition at the New Zealand Portrait Gallery Te Pūkenga Whakaata June to September 2025
The Gallery is on a nationwide callout for portraits of students painted by the renowned artist Sr Lawrence (Julia B) Lynch (1896–1975) for inclusion in this upcoming exhibition.
Preparing for Pope Francis’ 2025 Jubilee
One of the things that struck me when I was in Rome for the Synod in October were all the places that were undergoing renovation or restoration or repair in preparation for the Holy Year 2025, which will be begin on 28 December 2024. It is a reminder that so many people will be heading there on pilgrimage next year to celebrate this Jubilee Year of Hope.
Divine Renovation Open House: a nation united for parish renewal
The Catholic Parish of New Plymouth hosted the Divine Renovation Open House, an inspiring event, last month, that gathered over 200 people from every diocese across the country. The attendees included priests, bishops, and lay leaders, all united in their commitment to parish renewal and evangelisation.
Drowning in debt and rising seas
Caritas has released a new report exposing how debt and climate impacts are compounding vulnerabilities in nations like Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga.
Entitled ‘Weathering the Storm’, the report examines the tensions between debt and climate challenges in the Pacific.
Abuse in Care apology
On Tuesday 12 November 2024, survivors of abuse in care received a formal apology from the Government at an event in Parliament that was livestreamed across New Zealand.
The national apology was given by the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, followed by a statement from the Leader of the Opposition, Rt Hon Chris Hipkins.
International News
Archbishop of Canterbury resigns
The Church of England’s most senior bishop, Justin Welby, has resigned ‘in sorrow’, saying he had failed to ensure there was a proper investigation into allegations of child sexual abuse by a volunteer at Christian summer camps decades ago.
Synod priorities – time to implement
Pope Francis has published a note calling on local churches to accept and implement proposals from the final document of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality.
Church struggling in occupied Ukraine
More than two and a half years after the Russian invasion, the Church in Ukraine has lost more than half of the parishes in the occupied regions, says the new Greek Catholic bishop of the Donetsk exarchate.
Diocesan News
Rā Maumaratanga at Korokoro Catholic Cemetery
Gerard Duignan A ceremony of remembrance (of the dead) and recommitment (to the care of the place) at Korokoro Catholic cemetery drew a crowd, on Sunday 1 December, the day…
Caring for creation in the Hutt Valley
The urgency of getting more people involved in caring for, and protecting all of creation is increasing every year. In September, the Season of Creation was celebrated in the Hutt Valley in a number of practical ways.
Final Mass and closure for Sacred Heart Church Manaia
The first Catholic Church in Manaia, South Taranaki, was built in 1886 and served the local Catholic people until 1968, when it was demolished. In 1968 a new church was built and opened and continued to serve the Catholic community.
Catholic Education – outlook for 2025
A very important milestone in 2025 is that our Catholic state integrated schools are celebrating fifty years since the signing of the Private Schools Conditional Integration Act (PSCIA) in 1975.
Testing times ahead for our world – Caritas’ focus remains strong
Nau mai, Haere Mai.
It is a pleasure tinged with sadness that I write in the final issue of WelCom. Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand and the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Wellington and the Diocese of Palmerston North have had a strong relationship over many years and we will be sad to see this newspaper go.
‘Where to from Here’
‘State of the Nation’ speeches are very popular among politicians, though the cynical part of me believes they are mainly used to either justify what they have done or what they are about to do. I have waited in vain for a speech that outlines a dream or vision for the future.
…and a time to laugh
Have you heard this joke about Pope Francis? I hadn’t until just recently. It goes like this.
The key to life is the appreciation of beauty
‘We are here to appreciate beauty.’
I read this in a novel over the Christmas break. While I can’t recall how it fitted into the plot, the image has stayed with me. It’s a great answer to the question each of us has to ask at some time on our life’s journey.
Gospel Reading: Sunday 2 March 2025
39 Jesus told his disciples a parable, ‘Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit? 40 No disciple is superior to the teacher; but when fully trained, every disciple will be like his teacher.
Young Church
Catholic College Dux and Special Character Awards 2024 and Student Leaders 2025
Festival One 2025
Festival One, formerly known as the Parachute Christian Music Festival, is held annually in January at Karapiro, in the Waikato.
Students awarded Suzanne Aubert Tertiary Scholarship 2025
The Meri Hōhepa Suzanne Aubert Tertiary Scholarship has honoured three students with support for their studies in 2025.
What's on
International World Youth Day 2027 – South Korea
Expressions of interest will soon be called for to prepare for WYD, in Seoul, South Korea, in 2027. It will be the first time WYD takes place in mainland East…
World Youth Day 2025
WYD, usually on the Feast of Christ the King in November, will be celebrated at the beginning of August to coincide with the celebration calendar of the Jubilee Year. The…
Catholic Schools Commissioning Masses
The Catholic Schools Commissioning Masses for 2025 celebrate Eucharist and whanaungatanga; and all who serve in our Catholic school and college communities are commissioned and blessed in their ministries. Archdiocese…