WelCom March 2024
Nick Wilson
More than 300 young participants, chaperones and volunteer leaders attended this year’s Life Teen Summer Camp based in Cambridge, from 16 to 20 January.
This 8th year of camp offered the young people opportunities to connect with Jesus through keynote sessions, group discussions and fun.
Among those taking part from parishes around the country, Palmerston North and Wellington dioceses had groups from seven parishes – Hastings, New Plymouth, Whanganui, Palmerston North, Kāpiti, Wellington South and Te Awa Kairangi of Lower Hutt.
Victoria Arrowsmith (18), a camper who went with her parish group from Whanganui, says of her experience: ‘There was the perfect balance of prayer and activity. We were blessed to have many wonderful speakers who captivated our attention and drew us closer to God. Cultural Evening allowed us to represent and share our cultures. I loved bonding with my parish group, particularly through parish kōrero and fun activities like the low ropes and Messy Games.
‘The community feel was strong, especially during “Praise and Worship”, where we proclaimed our faith through music. This was a personal highlight. Adoration also held special significance. At the beginning of camp we were told the person you come as will not be the same person who leaves at the end of the week; and that could not have been more accurate. Life Teen Summer Camp is the beginning of a life with God, if only you say “Yes”.’
Life Teen Summer Camp is run in partnership between Life Teen Aotearoa, Auckland and Hamilton Dioceses.