Ann Prior
29 February 2008
The school year started joyfully with over 270 primary and secondary teachers and school support staff gathering to celebrate the Eucharist with Archbishop John Dew on February 20. The archbishop was delighted to have the opportunity the thank teachers and support staff for all that they do in Catholic schools.
He reminded everyone that we bless simply by being ourselves and being the best that we can be. We bless by kindness and patience, by attending to the needs of pupils, fellow staff members and parents. Jeremiah in the first reading (Jer 18:18-20) had a lesson for us about being blessings. Jeremiah was ridiculed, mocked, persecuted and misunderstood and the same things can happen in our schools too.
In the Gospel of Matthew, from the day’s reading (Mt 20:17-28), Jesus is reminding us that all his disciples who follow him faithfully will be subject to dislike, ridicule, even persecution from those who find the gospel threatening to their way of thinking and acting.
, whether principals, teachers or support staff of any kind – the challenge for us is to be people who serve, people who bless and who look for opportunities to promote goodness. ‘Whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave’ (Mt 20: 26-27).
All staff were commissioned in their role and teachers were presented with accreditation certificates and certificates for the Understanding Sexuality course.
After the Eucharist, schools continued their celebration on the piazza in front of the cathedral with a drink and a chat.