WelCom August 2023
More than 20 students from Sacred Heart College Napier and St John’s College Hastings took to the stage at Theatre Hawke’s Bay for four nights in July for their combined production of the musical Godspell.
Originally conceived in 1970 by Stephen Schwartz, Godspell is a collection of musical parables from the Gospel according to Matthew, ending with the betrayal and crucifixion of Jesus.
Jo Jowett-Morel, Sacred Heart’s Head of English, directed the production, with Head of Arts Sandra Howlett the creative Director. Christopher Wilson and Lara Coates, St John’s and Sacred Heart’s teachers in charge of music, directed the music.
Mrs Jowett-Morel said the tightness of the production team was astonishing. ‘The students have been fantastic. It’s not easy music and they worked really hard.’
St John’s student Connall Corkery played Jesus, while Sacred Heart student Georgia Dallas played John/Judas.
It is the first time Connall, Year 13, has been involved in a production. He enjoyed it so much he plans on pursuing it as a career path.
Georgia has performed in previous school productions. ‘It [Godspell] is quite different because it doesn’t follow an exact storyline. It’s definitely nothing like I’ve done before.’
Mrs Jowett-Morel said Sacred Heart College last performed the show in 2005 and this year’s production piqued the interest of several old girls who remember it from their time at school.

Georgia Dallas (front middle left), director Jo Jowett-Morel (front middle) and Connall Corkery (front middle right) with the cast and crew behind this year’s combined Sacred Heart College and St John’s College production of Godspell. Photo: Supplied