Palmerston North
2 August 2012
Three young people – Luke Collins, Jason Ebinger and Manisha Jobard – accepted the opportunity to serve in this exciting new venture.
With 24 years of service to young people in the Wellington area, Challenge 2000 was delighted to say a big ‘yes’ when they were invited to set up in the Bay.
The team is based at St Peter Chanel and has been busy meeting young people in the community and responding to what they wish to receive and give.
The team organised another Youth Mass on July 15 at St Thomas More in Napier. Both Masses were well attended and the energy, passion and creativity of the young people involved were outstanding.
During the school holidays the team ran a programme for five to 12-year-olds giving a chance for some of the older college leaders to contribute. Activites included musical instrument-making and playing, shields for the different teams and crazy sports.
On Tuesday afternoons Luke, Manisha and volunteers provide an after-school homework programme for the children of Marewa and Maraenui. This includes karakia, afternoon tea, games as well as study and homework supervision. Thanks to the people of St Thomas More and other parishes who are supporting this programme.
From April – July Luke and Jason offered evening social justice reflection and formation programmes for Years 12 and 13 students. The 12 participants analysed Catholic social teaching, scripture, social issues affecting our country and globe and ways of responding as a means of living the gospel. Many of these students are now involved in different service programmes in Napier and Hastings – putting their theory and faith into practice.
Last month the first Challenge Hawke’s Bay confirmation leaders retreat took place at Kuratau near Lake Taupo. Ten participants and five leaders worked on team building, faith and leadership development. The team is looking forward to the 10-week confirmation programme which starts this month in the Bay.
So with the programmes, mentoring, community support, liturgies and just being, much is happening.
Anyone wanting to be part of this mahi, contact Luke Collins on 021 657 115 or any of the parishes in the Bay – they have our details.
Challenge 2000 has been providing a wide range of family and youth services since it started in Ss Peter and Paul Parish, Johnsonville, in 1988.
Image: Exploring working as a team using carpet squares as stepping stones.