WelCom February/March 2025
Annette Scullion
Deacon Matthew White was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Paul Martin sm, on Saturday 22 February. His was the first priestly ordination in the newly re-stored Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. As Archbishop Paul remarked, the day was ‘coincidently on the Feast of the Chair of St Peter’.
Matthew’s supporters filled the cathedral, including clergy from across the Archdiocese and beyond, fellow seminarians, family members, friends, teaching colleagues, Wairarapa and Ōtari parishioners where Matthew has served as a seminarian, as well as members of his home parish of Te Ngākau Tapu, Porirua, and members of the Launch Out community of which Matthew was a graduate. Members of Ōtari Parish provided music. Fr Patrick Bridgman was mc for the proceedings.
The Liturgy began with a karanga by Whaea Kataraina Millin with a call of welcome to the clergy, who processed into the cathedral escorting Matthew to join his family in readiness for the Rite of Ordination to begin.
Fr Dennis Nacorda presented Matthew to Archbishop Paul as a candidate for ‘Election by the Bishop’ with the ‘Consent of the People’.
In his homily, Archbishop Paul said, ‘In accepting this call to priesthood Matthew you are committing yourself to be a priest of the Archdiocese of Wellington. The call of the diocesan priest is to immerse himself within the life of a particular church community. The Archdiocese is your home, the people of God of the diocese are your community and family. You are there for them, and they are there to be with you. A priest cannot live in isolation if he is to be truly a man of God, because we are to be a community of faith. I hope you will find the support and care from the people of the Archdiocese that you will need if you are to be truly an effective priest, and that they will find in you a priest who loves his people.’
Archbishop Paul continued the Rite of Ordination by asking Matthew to declare publicly his intention to undertake the office of priesthood. Matthew knelt and placed his hands into Archbishop Paul’s hands as he promised respect and obedience to the Archbishop and his successors.
The Litany of Saints began as Matthew lay prostrate before the altar. Everyone recited the prayer traditional to Christ and the Communion of Saints, asking for prayers and intercessions for blessings on Matthew.
Archbishop Paul laid his hands on Matthew’s head, followed by the concelebrating priests, signifying the imparting of the Holy Spirit.
Archbishop Paul then prayed The Prayer of Consecration, consecrating Matthew a priest for service in the Church.
Matthew stood with his family as he was bestowed with a stole and chasuble belonging to the ministry of priesthood. The chasuble had been handmade by Eileen, Marie and Janeen from the Wairarapa Parish and gifted to Matthew for his ordination – its Māori pattern representing his work with Māori and his home parish of Te Ngākau Tapu.
Archbishop Paul continued the Rite of Ordination by anointing Matthew’s hands. He then presented to Matthew the offertory gifts he had received.
A Kiss of Peace was exchanged between Matthew and Archbishop Paul, after which the priests shared with him the Sign of Peace. Newly ordained as a priest for the archdiocese, Fr Matthew turned to the congregation as he received a warm round of applause
The Liturgy of the Eucharist followed, presided over by Archbishop Paul, with Fr Matthew taking part at altar alongside Archbishop Paul and Cardinal John Dew with Archdiocese seminarians as the altar servers.
Before the Concluding Rite, Matthew was invited to give words of thanks. He paid tribute to his family members present and past, and all those who guided his formation towards priesthood and helped him towards his day of ordination, especially Archbishop Paul for ordaining him, Matthew concluded with a request. ‘Please pray for me. But also pray for your own priests. Pray that priests confirm themselves to Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, their hearts and minds are one with Christ and so brings his love to the ends of the earth.
‘May God Bless you all.’
Following the Mass of Ordination, everyone was invited to share refreshments served in Connolly Hall next to the Cathedral.
Fr Matthew’s Mass of Thanksgiving was held the following day at the Catholic Parish of Wairarapa, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough.