WelCom November 2021

The second postponement of the Cathedral Restoration Dinner made it 2-nil to Covid in the race to raise funds for Sacred Heart Cathedral!
Both August 19 and October 11 coincided with national lockdowns and 170 paying guests had to be advised that their evening would not happen. A third date has been set for Wednesday, February 9, 2022.
The combined dinner/auction could potentially raise $40,000 to $50,000 so is considered a major event on the funding calendar.
Covid-19 is contributing to several difficulties facing the Archdiocese and Cathedral Parish in their efforts to ensure the reopening of the cathedral, which has been closed since July 2018.
The lengthy lockdowns, school closures, job losses and general uncertainty as the pandemic spreads its tentacles, are making it inappropriate – or at best extremely awkward – to approach potential donors.

Also, some Trusts and Foundations have shifted their funding focus to supporting community groups particularly hard hit by Covid.
A total of $3 million is still needed to fully complete our project. Nearly $1 million of this needs to be raised in order the reopen the cathedral mid-2022 and this is our immediate goal.
No one should think their offering too small. The ‘Give-a-Little’ initiative has often shown how a substantial amount can grow from small individual gifts. The offer, in WelCom last month, of Real Estate agent, Anna Geremia-Young, to donate from her commission is an example of one person deciding to help.
Remember, cathedrals do not belong to the parishes in which they are located but symbolise the whole Church in a particular diocese; the preservation and upkeep of our cathedral should be the concern of every Catholic in this diocese. It is our cathedral and, with the Bishop, our centre of worship.
You can donate to the Cathedral Restoration Fund by Internet Banking to – Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish A/c: 02 0506 0138488 025
Reference your surname and initials and ‘Reopen’.