WelCom October 2023
The closure of Sacred Heart Cathedral in 2018 did not cancel worship.
Connolly Hall, the social centre at the side of the cathedral, quickly became the Mass centre for the parish, for weekday and Sunday Masses.
There are also two Sunday Masses for the cathedral at St Thomas More Church, Wilton, in the Catholic Parish of Ōtari.
The hall, named after Sacred Heart’s former administrator, Monsignor Connolly, has proved an ideal setting. With only minor adjustments, it serves remarkably well as a chapel and is more than adequate for the smaller weekday and Sunday evening congregations.
The location has enabled the daily lunchtime Mass to continue its attraction for many Thorndon office workers, retired parishioners and nearby Sisters of Mercy.
Parish volunteers, known as ‘Guardians’, who held responsibility for welcoming visitors to the cathedral and caring for its environment, provide similar services at Connolly Hall. They also attend to preparations for Mass and, on occasions, lead Liturgy of the Word celebrations.
One family has committed to ensuring fresh floral arrangements bring colour and warmth into the mix, completing an atmosphere suited to prayer and reflection.
Having been closed for more than five years, the re-opening of the cathedral next Easter is eagerly anticipated. Even so, there will be some sadness at leaving the sanctuary Connolly Hall has become.
You can donate to the Cathedral Restoration Fund by Internet Banking to: Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish A/c: 02-0506-0138488-025 | Particulars (your surname and initials) | Code (your phone no) Reference (Reopen)