WelCom March 2023
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand is accepting donations to help the people of south-eastern Turkey and northern Syria, seriously impacted by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake and aftershocks of 6 February. The earthquake destroyed thousands of buildings and killed over 50,000 people.
Caritas Aotearoa is accepting donations through its emergency fund to support the efforts of Caritas Türkiye (Turkey), Syria and other affiliated organisations on the ground, which have been providing immediate help. The Caritas Internationalis Confederation is supporting and coordinating their efforts to assess needs and deliver ongoing assistance to people affected. The earthquake hit areas already in a difficult humanitarian situation and the harsh winter temperatures and the destruction or severe damage to structures – including several hospitals – and roads, further complicates humanitarian operations.
If you would like to donate, you can do so online through the Caritas Emergency Donation tab at: www.caritas.org.nz/donate-online (please specify your donation is for Turkey/Syria Earthquake) or donate via the Caritas bank account 03-0518-0211216-00 (please include first and last name and put Turkey/Syria as the code).
Please keep the people of Turkey and Syria in your prayers as they face widespread devastation and loss of life.
Dear God,
Through dark and difficult moments, we know that You are always with us. Today we come to You in prayer to ask You to bring comfort, healing and hope to the communities that have been devastated by this disaster.
Let the people of these nations rest in the comfort of knowing that You are with them and that you will provide for their needs as You always have.
In Jesus’ name,