WelCom December 2019
Jean Sloan
The annual Cardinal’s Care Appeal this year will continue to raise funds for those on the peripheries of society in accord with the Archdiocesan Synod in 2017. Last year’s appeal raised funding largely directed to refugee support. Since 2016, the Church has welcomed almost 700 refugees into homes in New Zealand.
Money was also directed to continued support in the aftermath the Kaikōura Earthquake. Catholic Social Services staff and volunteers worked alongside local groups to support children, teachers and carers experiencing hardship.
This year’s appeal focusses on enabling Catholic Social Services to support women, children and families in difficult circumstances, including poverty and homelessness. All funds raised through the appeal will be used for outreach, facilitation and capacity-building within communities across the Archdiocese for people in need.
Cardinal John Dew reminds us, ‘Giving is an act of faith – a way to ensure God’s love and abundance reaches people in the most vulnerable circumstances.’
No one can flourish in poverty. Catholic Social Services, Church agencies and community partners know well the need is real and is growing.
God uses each of us and our gifts to respond to the plight of others. Every gift matters. Together, our gifts do make a difference.
Jean Sloan is Director, Stewardship and Philanthropy, Archdiocese of Wellington.

Parish Offertory Giving: Where does my gift go?

Levy payments from offertory giving in parishes are not used to support Archdiocese operations, or any of its established ministries such as Catholic Social Services. Rather, it is the charitable contributions from parishioners that enable the Archdiocese to fund this work.
No money received from levies is used to fund operations within the Archdiocese itself. Where parish levies fall short of total expenses the Archdiocese makes up the annual loss. That loss amounted to approximately $685,000 in 2019.
Thanks to the generous gifts that parishioners make, the Archdiocese is able to provide $1.1 million annually to support Catholic Ministries and the important work of Catholic Social Services.