WelCom September 2020
Paddy Dowling, Principal, St Mary’s School
On a beautiful Blenheim winter’s day in the heart of the Star of the Sea Parish, St Mary’s School students gathered to honour Mary for the Feast of her Assumption into Heaven.
With reverence to Mary and the school charism, the Assumption Mass was held the week before Assumption Day, 15 August, and centred on the loving heart of Mary.
Students crafted hearts and flowers, and images of blessed Mother Mary to grace our sacred space. Amidst the simple beauty of the art and nature created and dedicated to Mary, students sang and prayed in the Mass celebrating a life of faith and devotion. Fr Patrick McIndoe’s homily embraced local connections and invited the students to see that ‘being good is driven by putting your heart into everything you do’. A reflective and reverent liturgical movement by Yr 6 students completed the Mass and ‘sent the school forth’ with a sense of loving kindness and determination to live with the joy of Mary.
Students spent the afternoon in groups creating ‘Loving Mary Hearts’, which were attached to the St Mary’s Church donations’ board. The names of those who have donated towards the purchase of an AED defibrillator were added to hearts. Students gathered outside to form a ‘loving heart’, which was photographed from the air.