Fitzgerald Awards recipients for 2013
- Ted Gallen of the Parish of St Pius X and the Porirua Pastoral Area.
- Margaret Lanigan of the Parish of St Francis Xavier and the Northern Hutt Pastoral Area.
- Sr Marcellin Wilson rsm of the Parish of Sacred Heart Cathedral and the Wellington Central Pastoral Area.
- Jock Cameron of the Parish of St Mary and the Marlborough Pastoral Area.
- Gerard McKee of the Parish of Sacred Heart and the Lower Hutt Pastoral Area.
- Colleen and Gary Martin of the Parish of St Bernard and the Wellington South Pastoral Area.
- Frank Scott of the Parish of St Mary and the Wairarapa Pastoral Area.
- Anne and Andy Lovell of the Parish of Our Lady of Kāpiti and the Kāpiti/Horowhenua Pastoral Area.
- Anne Archer of the Parish of Sacred Heart and the Buller/Inangahua Pastoral Area.
- Mary Keddie of the Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and the Kahurangi Pastoral Area.
- Margaret Dunne of the Parish of St Benedict and the Wellington North Pastoral Area.
- David Monastra of the Parish of Holy Cross and the Wellington East Pastoral Area.