Archbishop of Canterbury endorses ‘Rome Call’

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has joined other faith leaders, ethicists, and university professors in signing the ‘Rome Call’ for the ethical development of artificial intelligence. While recognising the enormous potential AI can offer in improving human capability, Archbishop Welby emphasised that people must also strive ‘to protect, preserve and cherish the dignity of the human person’.

WelCom June/July 2024

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has joined other faith leaders, ethicists, and university professors in signing the ‘Rome Call’ for the ethical development of artificial intelligence. While recognising the enormous potential AI can offer in improving human capability, Archbishop Welby emphasised that people must also strive ‘to protect, preserve and cherish the dignity of the human person’. The enormous advances made in AI, therefore, ‘cannot be the sole property of its developers, or any single part of the human race’, but benefit all in serving the common good, safeguarding climate, and aiming at sustainable development.