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Book: Living on the Fault Line – Aotearoa’s bicultural future

WelCom February/March 2025

Living on the Fault Line – Aotearoa’s bicultural future, Quentin Wilson Publishing, February 2025, is a new book by New Zealand author and retired Anglican Bishop John Bluck. The book picks up the themes of John’s 2022 book Becoming Pākehā, but set in the new context created by the Treaty Principles Bill, and exploring how we might become a more effective and informed partner in that debate. It also offers a deeper look at the richness of our Pākehā cultural and religious history that John first covered in a RNZ series several years ago. The book is available at a special prepublication price of $25 plus postage, when ordered from

A retired Anglican bishop and former Dean of Christchurch Cathedral, John has worked ecumenically all round New Zealand and overseas, including terms as Communication Director for the World Council of Churches in Geneva, editor of the NZ Methodist newspaper New Citizen, professor of pastoral theology and communication at Knox Theological Hall, Dunedin and staff writer for the Boston Catholic newspaper The Pilot.

Now an author, he creates podcasts for RNZ and writes articles and opinion pieces for them and other New Zealand media companies. Visit John’s website for information about his published books.

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