A consistent ethic of life
Susan Wilson
We can be very attached to our particular view of the world and find it difficult to let go of established opinions.
For example, some in our society believe our appalling child-poverty statistics are primarily a result of parents choosing to have children they cannot afford. Their fault – their problem. Closely aligned, is the belief the unborn are ‘not really human’ and thus abortion is reasonable.
As Catholics we are sometimes called to be out of step with others in society on the issues discussed in this feature.
The reason for this is not because Catholics are anti-choice, in favour of suffering, soft in the head or out of touch. The reason behind a care-for-all creation, especially the poor, and for being opposed to state-sanctioned killing in whatever guise, is the belief in the goodness of God’s creation and the dignity of all people.
Of course many people do not believe in God and so arguing for a consistent ethic of life would fall on deaf ears if we use ‘God language’. We need to find reasons that resonate within the prevailing world-views if we wish to convince others. This is the challenge of our time as our faith calls us to transform society.
Susan Wilson is Head of Student and Business Support for the Catholic Institute of Aotearoa New Zealand.