The Archdiocese of Wellington has been running the YCL (Young Catholic Leaders) Camp for 19 years.
In December 2023, the Archdiocese brought together 71 students from the nine Catholic colleges to attend the YCL camp. The camp helps students who have been elected to leadership positions in their school to prepare for going into their new roles in 2024. The camp was held at Forest Lakes Otaki for 5 days and included various sessions, games, workshops and service projects throughout camp to learn and develop leadership skills.
Archbishop Paul Martin SM joined the camp for a day where he led Mass and did a Question & Answer session so the students could ask him any questions they wanted about his life and his role. He did a teaching Mass, talked about his priestly garments and what they meant. There was also an opportunity for Reconciliation with six priests from the Archdiocese.
“At the end of the camp, the students are sent home with resources, new friends and a range of new skills, tools and a deeper understanding of their faith, to support them on their leadership journey in Year 13. It’s such an honour to be a part of their leadership journey” Louise Lloyd Young Church Coordinator shared.