Brother Peter Bray FSC from New Zealand is the vice chancellor of Bethlehem University on the Occupied West Bank. He has given the NZ Catholic Bishops his first-hand candid view on what is happening in the region now as fighting continues between Hamas and Israel. Read the full statement here.
Prepared by Caritas Aotearoa.
E te Ariki
We lift before you all the people of the Holy Land and ask for a restoration of a lasting and just peace in the land. We pray for the safety of aid workers and their families and for all people they come into contact with. Give grace to political leaders and authorities that they may seek lasting solutions that promote justice, peace and reconciliation. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with us all during these challenging times.

Image: Peace dove by Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand.