Online event: “Images of God, mental well-being and Pacific young women”

Everyone is welcome to join this online event which has been organised as part of the Catholic Theological College online event series. Thursday 31 March, 6.30pm – 8pm via Zoom.

As part of the Catholic Theological College online event series, we wish to invite you to “But who do you say I am? — Images of God, mental well-being and Pacific young women,” on Thursday 31 March 6:30-8:00pm via Zoom. The speaker is Dr Therese Lautua, a graduate in PhD Theology at the University of Auckland. She will talk about the significance of Christianity for the spiritual and mental wellbeing of young Christian, multi-ethnic Pasifika women. She will take us through the different images of God and how these impact mental wellbeing.Details and registration here:…/upcoming-online-event…/