Need someone to talk to?
1737 need to talk helpline – staffed by paid counsellors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Free phone or text 1737.
Samaritans: 0800-726-666 24-hour crisis line staffed by community volunteers
Youthline: Txt 234, Web chat: www.youthline.co.nz, or call 0800-726-666
Kidsline: 0800-54-37-54 4pm-9pm up to 18 years old Wellington Catholic Social Services social workers – working remotely, can help identify appropriate sources of assistance, email: reception@wn.catholic.org.nz or phone 027405546
Wellington Catholic Social Services social workers – can help identify appropriate sources of assistance, email: reception@wn.catholic.org.nz or phone 0274055469
Kaikōura: Te Tai O Marokura, Health & Social Services; main office 03 3196443 Whanau Ora navigator direct contact 0277280174
Greenstone Doors phone counselling available: 04-566 5037 info@greenstonedoors.co.nz
Emergency food assistance
Society of St Vincent de Paul:
Wellington area, Newtown office: Call 04 389 7122, Text 021 215 7098 or Email: info@vinnieswgtn.org.nz.During Covid 19 Level 2, St Vincent de Paul Wellington is no longer delivering essential packs. Newtown food bank has reopened to the public, social worker support is available by appointment, Pregnancy assistance is open Wed-Fri 10-12. Op shops reopen from 18 May.
Hutt Valley: : 027-600-8732
Kapi-Mana: Tawa/Porirua/Titahi Bay/Plimmmerton 04-237-5968, Paraparaumu/Waikanae 022-344-7872, Ōtaki 021-0267-4188, Levin 06-3683034
Blenheim: 03-577 8378
Nelson area: Please phone Stoke 03-538-1299 or Richmond 03-544-0893
Compassion Centre Soup Kitchen: 132 Tory St, Wellington. Serving 1 meal a day, 7 days a week during Alert Level 2, 1.30-2.30pm
Foodbanks: A number of foodbanks are operating during the lockdown. Please see https://www.foodbank.co.nz/ for information on how to access foodbanks during this time.
Assistance with benefits, hardship grants
Ministry of Social Development: 0800-559-009
Benefit advocacy services:
Hutt Valley Benefit Education Service Trust (BEST) hvbest@xtra.co.nz, 0284246295 or 04-529-8108
Wellington Benefit Rights Service 04-210-2012, 021-292-7636 or benefitrights@gmail.com
Nelson Beneficiaries and Unwaged Workers Trust buwtcs@xtra.co.nz 03-548-8171 or 027-548-8171
Kaikōura: Te Tai O Marokura, Health & Social Services; main office 03-319-6443 Advocacy and support 0277280174. We encourage whanau to reach out if they require any advocacy or support to see what can be offered.
Catholic hospital chaplains
Hospital chaplains: Available through hospital phones
Wellington and Kenepuru hospitals: 04-385-5999
Hutt hospital: 04-566-6999
Nelson hospital: 03-546-1800
Wairau hospital: 03-520-9999
Wairarapa hospital: 06-946-9800
Palmerston North hospital (including Ōtaki and Levin): 06-356-9169
Legal advice
Community law centres: Community law centre offices are continuing to offer free legal advice by phone and email.
Wellington and Hutt Valley Community Law: 04-499-2928 or fill out online form at https://communitylaw.org.nz/centre/wellington-hutt-valley/
Blenheim Community Law: 0800 266 529 or 03 5779919 reception@commlawmarlb.org.nz
Porirua Community Law: info@pkclc.com 04 2376811
Wairarapa Community Law: info@wairarapaclc.org.nz or 06-377-4134
Nelson Bays Community Law (including Motueka, Takaka and Westport) https://communitylaw.org.nz/centre/nelson-bays/ (03) 548 1288, 0800 246 146
Manawatu Community Law (including Ōtaki and Levin): reception@mancomlaw.org.nz (06) 356 7974, 0508 FOR LAW (0508 367 529)
Violence in the home
Oranga Tamariki: If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call the Police on 111. If you’re worried about a child and want to make a referral or report of concern, call OT on Freephone 0508 326 459 or email contact@ot.govt.nz
Women’s refuge: 0800 REFUGE or 0800-733-843 For more information https://womensrefuge.org.nz/contact-us/
Shakti: Support for migrant and refugee women of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin. 0800-742-584
Wesley Community Action Elder Abuse Response Service: 04-805-0880 or help@wesleyeldercare.org.nz
SHINE: Confidential family abuse helpline – 0508-744-633
Mosaic-Tiaki Tangata: Male sexual abuse agency, confidential listening service line 022 419 3416 (call or text) Email: enquiries@mosaic-wgtn.org.nz
Catholic social services social workers – can help identify appropriate sources of assistance, email: reception@wn.catholic.org.nz or phone 0274055469
Age Concern Blenheim: Phone 03-579-3457 email ageconble@xtra.co.nz
Support during pregnancy and for young mothers
Greenstone Doors (Lower Hutt): online counselling and practical support 04-566 5037 info@greenstonedoors.co.nz
St Vincent de Paul, Wellington area, Newtown office essential baby packs: Call 04 389 7122, Text 021 215 7098 or Email: info@vinnieswgtn.org.nz
Catholic Social Services social workers – can help identify appropriate sources of assistance, email: reception@wn.catholic.org.nz or phone 0274055469
Kaikōura: Te Tai O Marokura, Health & Social Services; main office 03-319-6443 Whanau Ora nursing, WCTO nursing, Mother & Pepi support are all available to be contacted 03-319-5801
Pregnancy help: https://www.pregnancyhelp.org.nz/
Plunketline: PlunketLine team on 0800-933-922 https://www.plunket.org.nz/
Parent Help: Online support and advice – Free Parenting Helpline: 0800 568 856
Emergency housing
Catholic social services social workers – can help identify appropriate sources of assistance, email: reception@wn.catholic.org.nz or phone 0274055469
Wellington night shelter : short term accommodation for men experiecning homelessness in Wellington) 04-385-9546
Upper Hutt Housing Trust: Ph: 04 970 7169, Mobile 022 043 4703 or email: tshoman@kinect.co.nz or jjdixons45@gmail.com website: help@uhht.org.nz
Kahungunu Whānau Services: Housing support. Email: web-inquiry@nkkp.org.nz Call: 04 384 6252
Wairarapa Trust House Housing: https://trusthouse.co.nz/homes/ 06 370 0520 info@trusthouse.co.nz
Opportunities to support wellbeing and support work during the COVID-19 lockdown:
During Alert Level 2 some organisations are able to accept donated goods at this time, whereas others are not yet able to do so. Please contact any of the organisations above if you want to discuss the suitability of any donated items.
Ways to support financially:
Wellington St Vincent de Paul essential services response
Account number: 02-0576-0017817-00
Reference: COVID19
Hutt Valley St Vincent de Paul, Account number: 06 0545 0349202 00
Kapi-Mana St Vincent de Paul
- Kapi-Mana St Vincent de Paul – Tawa, Porirua, Plimmerton, Paraparaumu/Waikanae, Ōtaki, Levin
Account number: 03-0547-0885236-000, Reference COVID19 - Plimmerton conference supplying food parcels in Porirua
Account number: 06-0549-0128322-00
Compassion Soup Kitchen: https://soupkitchen.org.nz/donate/donate-money/
Greenstone Doors would appreciate donations to assist with support for new parents, including winter baby clothes packs. Bank account number: 38-9015-0360851-00. Account name: Greenstone Doors.
Upper Hutt Housing Trust: Would appreciate donations to assist with purchasing warm winter clothes and blankets
Wellington Catholic Social Services:
Account number: 02-0560-0213864-000 Archdiocese of Wellington – Catholic Social Services
Challenge 2000 youth development agency: Support to families that Challenge 2000 works with:
Account number: 01-0519-0057600-00
Details on how to donate to a range of foodbanks are available here: https://www.foodbank.co.nz/donate