The Archdiocesan Ecology, Justice and Peace Commission are promoting two Te Tiriti education opportunities:
Ko Te Tiriti Mai Rānō: The Treaty is Always Speaking. A Covenant for the Generations. 9:30am-3pm, 6/7 July, Home of Compassion, Island Bay. The hui is organised by Christian Life Community and the Bicultural Relationships Committee of the Ecology, Justice and Peace Commission. A two day hui to deepen understanding and appreciation of Te Tiriti/ the Treaty and related issues from the perspective of Catholic Social Teaching.
A two day hui to deepen understanding and appreciation of Te Tiriti/ the Treaty and related issues from the perspective of Catholic Social Teaching. Presentations from speakers will be followed by small group reflection and a plenary session. Participants can attend one or both days with daily registration by koha. Lunch provided. For more information and to register contact Deirdre Meskill .
6 July Te Tiriti in the light of Catholic Social Teaching
Te Tiriti as Covenant
7 July A Guide to using te reo in Liturgy and in daily life
What does a bicultural future look like? What blessings can we hope for?
For more information and to register contact Deirdre Meskill

‘Belonging in this land: Treaty basics from a Christian perspective’ is an opportunity for faith communities to explore the story of the Treaty of Waitangi over two 90-minute video sessions. The trailer is available to watch and to share, and the full resource is available for for registered hosts. It features author of Huia Come Home and Dean of Taranaki Cathedral Jay Ruka and former Anglican Archbishop David Moxon to help us understand our history and what role the Treaty plays in our faith and daily life today. Churches and small groups can sign up to host at

For more information about these opportunities contact Deirdre at or visit the Commission’s webpage: