Catholic Schools Education Services (CSES) are a team of education professionals who provide high quality support and assistance to the Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Wellington in the ongoing promotion and strengthening of Catholic Character and the development of theologically and spiritually formed teachers.
CSES Goals

We aim to:
- Ensure professional development meets the needs of our schools.
- Support and implement the priorities of the Archbishop and the NZCBC for schools.
- Grow and develop authentic Catholic leadership at all levels within Catholic Schools.
- Provide all Catechetical/ Christian Studies students with opportunities to become competent and confident in teaching Religious Education and upholding and supporting the Catholic Character.
- Ensure the administration of Catholic Schools Education Services is effective and supports the delivery of quality Catholic education.
- Assist schools to have a clear understanding of the core purpose and function of a Catholic school and of Catholic Character.
The CSES team and resources
(Appointment pending) 04 496 1710
The Administrator is responsible for co-ordination of services and is the point of contact for:
Professional Development Records
Professional Development Completion Form for Certification
Catholic Special Character Review and Development External Reviews
Administration of “S” Forms
CSES Professional Development
CSES Primary Professional Development Brochure 2023.
CSES Secondary Professional Development Brochure 2023.
Leadership Mentor and Advisor
Gerard Tully 04 496 1738
The Leadership Mentor and Advisor provides support and professional development to the Principals and Boards of Trustees in the primary and secondary schools of the Archdiocese of Wellington.
School Leadership Support
Leadership Professional Development 2022
NZCEO Board of Trustees Handbook for Schools
Board Support
CSES Board Professional Development Brochure 2023.
NZCEO Board of Trustees Handbook for Schools
Board of Trustees prayer resource provided byTe Kupenga – the Catholic Leadership Institute
Primary Religious Education Advisor
Anna Maria Vissers 04 496 1335
The Primary Religious Education Advisor provides support and professional development to the Directors of Religious Studies and teachers of Religious Education in the primary schools of the Archdiocese of Wellington.
Professional Development
2023 professional development opportunities for primary school staff

Secondary Religious Education Advisor
(Appointment pending)
The Secondary Religious Education Advisor provides support and professional development to the Directors of Religious Studies and teachers of Religious Education in the Colleges of the Archdiocese of Wellington. Te Kupenga lecturer.
Te Kupenga – National Centre for Religious Studies
Te Kupenga – The Catholic Leadership Institute