Hūtia te rito o te harakeke, kei hea te kōmako e kō?
Uia mai koe ki ahau, ‘He aha te mea nui o te ao?’
Māku e kī atu,
‘He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.’
“As you rightly treasure your culture, let the Gospel of Christ continue to penetrate and permeate it, confirming your sense of identity as a unique part of God’s household.”
Pope Saint John Paul II, Auckland, 1986
The Māori Pastoral Care team provides advice and support for Māori and faith communities within the Archdiocese of Wellington. The Tūranga Māori role is currently vacant. All Māori Pastoral Care enquiries can be referred to Mons. Gerard Burns at g.burns@wn.catholic.org.nz.
Karere Katorika Putanga
He Rauemi Katorika Māori
Te Pāriha o Te Ngākau Tapu – Personal parish for Māori

Parish Priest: Msgr Gerard Burns (shown with Mrs Rangi Hau) g.burns@wn.catholic.org.nz
04 496 1737
Church address:
20 Kenepuru Drive
Te Pāriha o Te Ngākau Tapu – video
Te Kahu o te Rangi

Tuki Takiwa passed away on 4 December 2020. May he rest in peace.
Te Kahu o te Rangi (TKOTR) is the Māori Pastoral Council in the Archdiocese of Wellington. Membership of TKOTR is open to all Catholic Māori and their communities within the Archdiocese. New members are always welcome.
One of the main activities for members is to report back to TKOTR on initiatives in their particular parish and rohe (area). For example:
- sacramental programmes in their parish – Baptisms and Holy Communion
- pastoral activities – home & hospital visits
- assisting with liturgies in parishes /communities – hīmene, karakia, karanga.
TKOTR meets four times each year, in February, May, August and November.
He pānui, he pōwhiri tēnei kia hui tahi tāou ki te kāinga Katorika o Pukekaraka, ki a Hinenui-o-te-ao-katoa. Nau mai, whakatau mai rā.
Nau mai, haere mai.
Current members of TKOTR are:
Spencer Carr and Pauline Takiwā (Kaumātua), Vacant (Tūranga Māori /Vicar for Māori), Diane Linton-Ranger (Minute Secretary), Rangimoeroa Waikari-Panapa (Deputy Chairperson), Henare Walmsley, Rangireremoana Hau, Andrea and Roger Havell, Jaana Kahu, Kelly Keane-Tuala, Oriwa Law, Maru Karatea-Goddard, Pani Malcolm, Jo-Ani Robinson, Tanua Rose, Wai Stewart, Gloria Tapa, Frances Wilson,
Ex-officio members: Monsignor Gerard Burns (Vicar General and parish priest of Te Pāriha o Te Ngākau Tapu), Deacon Danny Karatea-Goddard ( Tūranga Māori/Vicar for Māori )
For more information about Te Kahu o Te Rangi, please contact Mr Henare Walmsley: henare111@outlook.com; (027) 484 8179
Hui Aranga
The Hui Aranga is an annual Māori celebration at Easter. It is held in a different rohe (areas) each year. The Good Friday service includes rangatahi (youth) re-enacting Christ’s Passion.
Weekend competitions include religious quizzes for mokopuna, rangatahi and kaumatua, choir and sacred solo singing, kapahaka and sports.
Te Rūnanga o te Hāhi Katorika ki Aotearoa
The Rūnanga is a national advisory council to the New Zealand Bishops Conference (NZCBC).
There are two representatives on the Rūnanga for the Archdiocese of Wellington:
Mrs Rangi Hau, Wellington
North Island Representative
Ph: 04-478 5060
Ms Jaana Kahu, Kaikōura
South Island representative
Email: Jaana Kahu
Catholic Māori Colleges
There are two Catholic Māori boarding schools in New Zealand.
St Joseph’s Māori Girls’ College (Napier)
Hāto Pāora College (Fielding)
O’Shea Shield 2019 – Scripture Readings in te reo Māori
O’Shea Shield is the annual gathering of Catholic colleges in the Archdiocese of Wellington and in the diocese of Palmerston North during which schools compete for the O’Shea Shield. The O’Shea Shield includes oratory, religious questions, religious drama and scripture readings in te reo Māori.
St Joseph’s Māori Girls College won the O’Shea Sheild in 2021. Due to the Covid situation the 2022 O’Shea Sheild to be held at St Joseph’s Māori Girls College was cancelled. It is anticipated that the college will host the event in 2023.

Scripture Readings in Māori – Previous Years’ Results:
2018 Section A: Te Kaipānui i Te Kupu Cup (donated by Bishop Charles Drennan) – St Joseph’s Māori Girls College, Napier
2018 Section B: Te Kaipānui i Te Kupu Cup (donated by Cardinal John Dew) – St John’s College, Hastings
2017 Section A – Sacred Heart Girls’ College, New Plymouth and St Patrick’s College, Silverstream.
2017 Section B – Cullinane College, Whanganui and St Bernard’s College, Lower Hutt.
2016 Section A – Hāto Pāora College
2015 Section A – St Joseph’s Māori Girls College, Napier
2016 Section B – Sacred Heart Girls College, Napier
2015 Section B – Cullinane College Whanganui
Māori Pastoral Care Team temporary Offices
With the closure of the Hill Street Archdiocese Catholic Centre the Māori Pastoral Care Team will be working from home and in the Catholic Social Services offices on Tory Street, Wellington CBD.
Weekly Miha Māori Readings
Weekly readings are available from the Diocese of Auckland Liturgy Office through email. https://www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz/liturgy-prayer/liturgy/
Once you have entered the site scroll down to TE REO IN THE LITURGY and press on the Sunday Miha date .