Young Church Ministries
Click here full list of upcoming events in the Archdiocese!
Archdiocesan Young Church Ministries is a coordination, formation and information hub for young people and those ministering with them.
Directory of Youth Ministries in the Archdiocese. Download here.
We want to know what youth and young adult ministries are in your parish and wider community, so we can create a directory for youth and young adults to get involved. Fill out this form to submit your youth group details to our directory.
Archdiocesan Youth Ministries Team
Write to us: youth@wn.catholic.org.nz
Chris Duthie-Jung: Director, Church Mission
Being involved in contemporary mission ministry in our local Church is both challenging and immensely rewarding.
I come to this role as a husband, a father and a pastoral theologian. Being part of my own family’s faith journey has taught me the necessity of connecting the theological with everyday life. This is our mission and it applies equally well for my Church Mission team wherever we are working – in family and young church ministry, parish leadership support and formation, marriage ministry or adult faith formation.
I personally bring to my work a passion for tomorrow’s Church. Everything we do today impacts on how and who we will be as Gospel people in the years ahead. Please do contact me or anyone on the Church Mission team to see how we can assist your faith community in becoming more effective as Catholic Christians together in a new era.

To contact Chris:
04 496 1759 021 0230 5149