The Canon Law of the Catholic Church requires the bishop of a diocese to have advisory bodies, often referred to as Diocesan Councils.
These advisory bodies are structures which “guarantee a dimension of communion in the pastoral governance of the Bishop, insofar as they generate a kind of reciprocal interplay between what a Bishop is called to contribute to the good of the diocese through exercising his personal responsibility, and the contribution made through the collaboration of all the faithful. – Apostolorum Successores 165
Board of Administration
The Board of Administration of the Archdiocese of Wellington assists the Archbishop and the Finance and Administration Department to fulfil the vision of the Archbishop through the stewardship and provision of financial, property and administrative services to the Archdiocese, Parishes and Church Agencies.
The Board of Administration is committed to developing and sustaining interdependent and respectful relationships so that the Gospel may be promoted in the work of the Archdiocesan Departments, Boards, Councils and other Archdiocesan Agencies.
Archdiocesan Pastoral Council
The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council is made up of people from different parts of the Archdiocese who together represent its parishes, ethnic diversity and many ministries.
The APC has a Mandate and a Code of Conduct under Canon Law
The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council aims to:
- pray for the Archdiocese, grow in faith and develop an understanding of Church governance;
- advise and assist the Archbishop in formulating and implementing a vision for the Archdiocese derived from the Gospel, and based in the pastoral realities of the people and parishes;
- help parishes, chaplaincies and lay groups foster a spirit of participation, collaboration and unity;
- assist the Archbishop in presenting and representing the Church in the world as the universal sign of salvation.
Council of Priests
The Council of Priests represents the clergy and advises the Archbishop on a wide variety of matters to do with the Archdiocese. The Council assists the Archbishop in the governance of the Archdiocese in order to promote the pastoral wellbeing of the people of the Archdiocese and the welfare of priests.
College of Consultors
From among the members of the Council of Priests the Archbishop appoints a small group to be consultors. They have certain responsibilities in relation to major decisions about assets, and they act as an interim governance body if the diocese has no bishop.