Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish

CATHEDRAL CLERGY & STAFF Cathedral Administrator: Fr Patrick BridgmanLay Pastoral Leader: Debbie MathesonIn residence at Viard House: Fr Viator Muyuni (Diocese of Bukoba, Tanzania, studies)Secretary: Frank Doherty Pastoral Area Wellington…


Cathedral Administrator: Fr Patrick Bridgman
Lay Pastoral Leader: Debbie Matheson
In residence at Viard House: Fr Viator Muyuni (Diocese of Bukoba, Tanzania, studies)
Secretary: Frank Doherty

Pastoral Area

Wellington Central

Sunday Masses

Monday (except public holidays)
From Monday 10 June 2024 the Monday Liturgy of the Word will be held in the Sacred Heart Cathedral, 40 Hill Street, Thorndon at 12:10pm preceded by the Rosary.

Tuesday to Friday
From Tuesday 11 June the Tuesday to Friday the 8:00am and 12:10pm Masses will be celebrated in the Sacred Heart Cathedral, 40 Hill Street, Thorndon.

From Saturday 15 June the Saturday 8:30am Mass and the 5:30pm First Mass of the Sunday will be celebrated in the Sacred Heart Cathedral, 40 Hill Street, Thorndon.

From Sunday 9 June the Sunday Morning Mass will be moved to 10:00am. Both this Mass and the 7:00pm will be celebrated in the Sacred Heart Cathedral, 40 Hill Street, Thorndon.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

From Thursday 13 June the Thursday exposition will take place in the Sacred Heart Cathedral, 40 Hill Street, Thorndon.

Parish Office Via side walkway to Cathedral Courtyard
21 Eccleston Hill. (Viard House – Entry via the Glass Conservatory at the northern end)

Office Hours: Tue, Thurs, Fri 10.00am to 4.30pm
PO Box 1937
Wellington 6140 Telephone: 04 496 1700

Church Address

40 Hill Street