Over the weekend of 6 and 7 July, Christian Life Community and our Archdiocesan Bicultural Relationships Committee of the Ecology, Justice and Peace Commission held the hui, “Ko Te Tiriti Mai Rānō: The Treaty is Always Speaking. A Covenant for the Generations” at Our Lady’s Home of Compassion in Island Bay.
The purpose of the hui was to deepen understanding and appreciation of Te Tiriti/ the Treaty within the context of Catholic Social Teaching with four workshops spread over two days. Topics included looking at the history of Te Tiriti, key concepts and some of the misconceptions that have arisen since the signing; examining Te Tiriti and related issues through Catholic Social Teaching; Te Tiriti as a Covenant; A Guide to Using te reo in Liturgy and in daily life, and what a bicultural future looks like. Thank you to our guest speakers for this event Professor Jim McAloon, Reverend Dr Rangi Nicholson, Paora Ammunson and Matt Ammunson.
There were around 60 participants with a lot of meaningful discussions and connections built over the two days, and requests for ongoing Te Tiriti educational opportunities. Thank you to everyone who was involved in this weekend!
Useful links
- Radio Waatea interview. Matt Ammunson who was a speaker at the hui, had an interview with Radio Waatea last week, where he shared an overview of the discussions that happened over the weekend, and talked about the connections between Catholic Social Teaching and te ao Māori. Listen to it here.
- Video recordings of the discussions will be available soon.
- Photos are below.