WelCom October 2023
Last month, Bishop Viard College celebrated Tongan Language Week, 3–9 September, starting with a whole-school Mass at the Holy Family Parish in Porirua as students and whānau began celebrations together.
The theme for Tonga Language Week 2023 | Uike Lea Faka-Tonga 2023 is ‘E tu’uloa ‘a e Lea faka-Tongá ‘o ka lea’aki ‘i ‘api, siasí (lotú), mo e nofo-’a-kāingá; which means the Tongan Language will be sustainable if used at home, church and in the wider community.
The school and Tongan community came together on the Monday to raise the Tongan flag. Charles, a year 7 student, read aloud his Tongan poem.
On Tuesday the college welcomed special guest Lupeti Finau, who played Uncle Siale in the film ‘Red, White, and Brass’. He spoke about his experience on set and his enthusiasm for his Tongan culture.
Later in the week staff and students dressed in cultural attire and participated in activities and performances throughout the day. They were joined by St Mary’s College students sharing their enthusiasm for Tonga’s culture.
Festivities concluded with Tongan Kainga preparing a feast demonstrating generosity and hospitality.
Source: Tatau/Bishop Viard College