Kia tau te rangimārie ki a koutou
Last weekend as we celebrated Pentecost Sunday I recalled the homily of Pope Francis on Pentecost Sunday 2021, when he began by saying Jesus promises to send us, his disciples, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Father continued by speaking of the Holy Spirit as the ultimate gift, the gift of gifts. And then speaking of the gift of gifts, he referred to Jesus using an unusual and mysterious word to describe the Spirit – the word of course was “Paraclete.” That’s a word which is not easy to understand or translate, but it does have two particular meanings, they are “Comforter” and “Advocate.”
Over the last several months the whole of the Archdiocese has been encouraged to take part in the Synod process, and in doing so has been asked to listen carefully to what the Holy Spirit is saying to us as the “People of God.” Thank you for the wonderful way you have taken part in that process, which will of course continue throughout the world for some time. Please ask the Hoy Spirit to be our Comforter and our Advocate, please keep pleading with the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us.
At the end of last year’s Pentecost homily Pope Francis concluded with this prayer, this Pentecost let’s make his prayer our own.
“Holy Spirit, Paraclete Spirit, comfort of our hearts. Make us instruments and missionaries of your comfort, paracletes of your mercy before the world. Our Advocate, counsellor of the soul, make us witnesses of the “today” of God, prophets of unity for the church, and humanity, and apostles grounded in your grace, coma which creates and renews all things. Amen.
I am very sorry to have missed the Archdiocesan Synod Gathering due to contracting COVID-19. My thanks to all who organised the Gathering and those who took part. We are playing our part locally in the global synod process, which reminds us that we are part of a church which extends throughout the world and which is guided and rejuvenated by the Holy Spirit.
With every blessing
+ John