Mary-Ann Greaney
9 November 2011
Sr Makareta Gilbert and Rangi Hau enjoying a break in a Stewardship relection day at Sacred Heart Cathedral on Saturday October 29.
Around 80 people from the Wairarapa to Otaki and everywhere in between were in the cathedral for the reflection day.
The day was divided into reflecting and praying over gift – what is gift? and time, talent and treasure.
They considered such questions as:
- ‘Who is a Christian disciple? [One who responds to Christ’s call, follows Jesus and shapes his or her life in the imitation of Christ’s] and…
- Who is a Christian steward? [One who received God’s gifts gratefuly, cherishes and tends them in a responsible manner, shares them in justice and love with others, and returns them with increase to the Lord.’ (USCCB).]
Other, more self-reflective questions were asked of them, such as, ‘how welcome do I make others feel when they encroach on ‘my time’? and ‘what talents do I feel are not being used in my parish?’ and ‘what principles do I have for giving money?’
Some participants reported some discomfort when considering these questions.