Money the Catholic Women’s League in Pahiatua has raised will go to help would-be World Youth Day pilgrims in the Solomons who haven’t a hope of making it to Sydney in July.
This league branch has continued its support for the Auki Diocese in the Solomons, begun before the diocese was formed in 1984, and presented Bishop Chris Cardone with a cheque at an afternoon tea on January 30.
Bishop Cardone told league members the $500 would go towards organising a regional youth rally.
He said it was impossible for the diocese to send even one young person to Sydney.
‘There is a very big difference between the church in the Third World and those in New Zealand and Australia,’ he said.
In the Regional Rallies young people will get together for prayer, games, some religious instruction and to enjoy preparing food, chatting with each other and coming to an awareness that they are the new church.
CWL Pahiatua spokesperson, Ag Hill, said after the initial shock of the news, the women were satisfied that this way many more young will have an experience of church in their own environment. Also it confirms the big disparites between churches in our world, even those quite close to us and shows the great privilege that young people in Australia and New Zealand have in going to World Youth Day.
‘Our young people might visit these churches after their experience at World Youth Day,’ she said.
Image shows League president, Agnes Diamond, presenting a cheque for $500 to Bishop Chris Cardone while Margaret Treder looks on.